If you have any questions about the project or would like to participate, please write to:
Isabella Hodgson
Digital Curator
„Schau mir in die Karten“ is a project at the German Maritime Museum (DSM) - Leibniz Institute for Maritime History.
Authorized representative:
Prof. Dr. Ruth Schilling (Managing Director)
Concept development and project management:
Dr. Isabella Hodgson (Digital Curator)
Dr. Ulrike Heine (Scientific Curator)
Advisory panel:
Birte Stüve (Head of Education and Outreach)
Thomas Joppig (Head of Communication)
Annica Müllenberg (Communication)
Karolin Leitermann (Scientific Coordinator)
Dr. Frederic Theis (Scientific Curator)
Luca Junge (Digitisation)
Dennis Hoffmann (Digitisation)
IT Support:
Matthias Lange, Agentur LOK; For questions please contact i.hodgson@dsm.museum
Design and programming:
We would like to express our sincere thanks to Andreas Lange (Büro N2) and Matthias Lange (Agentur LOK) for the extremely competent, thoughtful and quick implementation of the project.
Social Media Manager:
Mareike Heger
Our special thanks for contributing to the further development of the concept go to:
the Teachers' Council of the German Maritime Museum
Gerhild Burchardt
Rolf Herzog
Michael Arzenheimer
Ann-Kristin Hitzemann
Felix Liebig
The project „Schau mir in die Karten“ was funded by dive in. Programme for Digital Interactions (German Federal Cultural Foundation).
Responsible for the content: Prof. Dr. Ruth Schilling
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